How to dry an apple Drying apples in the oven, in the sun and in the dryer

How to dry an apple Drying apples in the oven, in the sun and in the dryer

How to dry apples?

How to dry apples properly? Dried mushrooms are usually less aromatic than fresh ones, but this does not apply to apples. This is known to the kids, who just love the sweet and sour taste of dried apples. It is worth remembering this and instead of unhealthy sweets give dried apples to toddlers – they will not refuse.

How to dry apples?

Dried apple is a concentrated source of many valuable compounds. You are struggling with constipation and overweight? You are looking for products rich in potassium? Or maybe you are just looking for a tasty and healthy snack? Dried apples will be just right. How to dry apples?

Sun drying, oven drying, oven drying

  • In the sun – This method is as old as the world but it is laborious and weather dependent; air dried fruits can be further dried in the oven at temp. 50 – 60 C
  • in the oven – the best are ovens with thermo-circulation, but it can be dried in any oven; put the slices on a baking tray lined with baking paper and dry at up to 60 C; the whole process takes a few hours, depending on the temperature
  • in an electric mushroom drier – The slices are placed on sieves and all you have to do is be patient; the drying is slow but the result is perfect every time

Ripe but firm and, of course, healthy apples are suitable for drying. Some people dry apples after peeling, others in the skin. Apples can be dried cut into eighths or crosswise into 0.5 cm thick discs. Circles dry much faster. Ready dried fruit should be white and elastic under pressure. Dried raw material absorbs moisture easily and for that reason it should be stored in airtight containers.